Five Ways to Market Your Smaill Business on Pinterest
Release time:2014-01-21
When most people hear the term “social media” their minds pretty much immediately go straight to Facebook and Twitter. But more and more frequently, businesses are seeing success on content sharing services like Pinterest and Instagram. In this installment of our social media marketing series, we’ll focus on how it’s possible to grow an audience by taking advantage of the pin-board style, photo-sharing service, Pinterest.
Sign-Up or Convert to a Business Account and Get Your Website VerifiedRegardless of the size of your business, you can now sign-up or convert your existing account to a business one. While at the moment nothing’s really different between business and personal accounts, Pinterest does send more targeted updates (like future products) to business accounts.Strategize ContentWhile it’s fun to re-pin yummy recipes, exotic locations, and cool gadgets, Pinterest is the perfect place to let your customers know more about you. Have a long list of customers who speak your praises on Twitter and Facebook? Curate a Customer Testimonials board and use an app like Quozio or Pinstamatic to make beautiful images from customer quotes. Thoughtful boards, which give insights into your business, also work well. Send a questionnaire out to your employees asking for their favorite foods, coffee, movies, etc., and then create boards from that information.Follow and Find Things!According to Pinterest, “following people and boards is how you fill up your home feed with interesting stuff.” Follow what’s interesting, but more importantly, follow what’s relevant. Check out similar businesses, thought leaders in your industry, popular media outlets, your customers. Take an interest in what’s going on around you. You’ll soon seen lots of material that you can begin re-pinning and you’ll also see your follower count go up.Use AnalyticsPinterest Analytics allows you to see the basics like impressions, reach, and visitors. The more frequently you update your boards, the more beneficial these analytics will become. As soon as you start taking advantage of analytics, you’ll quickly see what’s most popular of the content you’re posting, who’s following you as a result of what you’re posting, and so much more.Promoting Pins – Coming Soon!According to Pinterest, promoting pins is a feature that they began testing back in October 2013. What’s great about this new opportunity is that it allows you the chance to pay (what we’re assuming is) a small fee to share what you deem meaningful and important content. We haven’t seen many promoted pins, so we’re not sure where Pinterest is going with this feature, but when it becomes more universally available, we are sure Pinterest will let us all know.