Payment Methods - WhatsApp:+(852)68882160
Payment methods with
Online Payment Telegraphic Transfer * Home Pay * Cheque / ATM Payment
Billing Note:
Please make sure that you will fax or email your bank slip to us after you make the payment, so that we can confirm to activate your product(s). We are not responsible for any fund losing due to your never contacting us. And if it is inconvenient for you to fax or email, please do .
  Online Payment

Members can directly access to the financial management in Control Center, real-time payment with immediately activated to avoid cumbersome procedures!

Step 1:

Enter your username and password to login control center for Internet real-time pay

Step 2:

When you Login control center, click into financial management, choose corresponding products for real-time online pay. If you need additional change abouchement amount, please select pay online

Step 3:

Input the amount of to abouchement, then press Confirm

Step 4:

Here are several payment platform can choose for you to pay


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