10 Benefits Of Having Your Own Domain Name
Release time:2014-08-08
Over 95 percent of the affiliate marketers on the web are making a huge mistake when it comes to their own business. Find out why getting a domain name is the first and foremost effective tool to acquire.Want an edge over 95 percent of the affiliate marketers on the web? Get a domain name. A domain name is like setting up an address for people to stop by and do business with you.1. Professional appearance.Really, which website are you more inclined to click:http://www.eranet.com/The first one reeks of “cookie cutter” or replicated websites and there are thousands of others out there EXACTLY like it. The second one shows independence and singularity. For this example, hundreds of thousands of people have clicked on a Power Mall website. The chance of click-through to your affilitate generated website is slim and getting slimmer every time another signs up for this opportunity. More people will click on the second because it is something they have not seen before. You move from the crowd promoting the cookie cutter website to standing apart and representing yourself as your own business.2. Recall of your website.Look at those website names again. Which one is easier to remember? Which one will look better on a business card? Are they going to get your replicated site if they the search for “Powermall” because that is what they remember or are they more likely to remember eranet.com?3. Promote yourself and not just your affiliates.At some point, you may decide you do not want to continue to represent the affiliate site you are promoting now. Any of the ranking you have achieved in a search engine will be worthless to you.. If you have your own website, you simple change your content, remove the link to the opportunity, add a new link or whatever and maintain your presence.4. You can build a contact list with your own capture page.Anyone in internet marketing knows the “list” is the vehicle to success. If you are promoting several different affiliate businesses using only their back office auto-responders, you are missing the opportunity to cross sell to your other opportunities. You need to set up a capture page using your own auto-responder to collect their contact information, before you send them to your affiliate website.5. Give yourself a true web presence.You can create your own content with your name creating credibility. Use your website to promote yourself while you promote your affiliates. As you develop multiple streams of income, you can use your domain to promote them with your “branding”. As you build your presence, you will be building your credibility.6. A “real” email address.Think about it. Which shows more credibility as an online marketer?support@eranet.com or aprilsmom@yahoo.com? It is as simple as that.7. Able to promote multiple products.Because you have your own domain with your own website, you can promote multiple products or opportunities from one place. When you use websites like MySpace, Ryze, DirectMatches, etc. to market, you take people to your website and not put in four or five affiliate links.8. Investment in your online future.You have made a move toward having an online business by signing up as an affiliate so you have an obvious interest in online business success. You need to think about your future as an online marketer and what will take you to the next level. A domain name of your own is the next logical step. You will learn a tremendous amount of information online and but all will point you toward getting your own domain name to be in business.9. It is easy to do.You can get a domain name for less than $10 for a one-year registration. Hosting can cost you less than $10 month,too. Doesn’t it make sense to put these tools to work for you?10. Puts you into business psychologically.If you have made a commitment to a domain name, virtually that puts you into business. You need to use that to pull yourself into business mentally and physically. Get to work! Learn as much as you can but most of all, start promoting your domain!If you don’t understand the benefits of having your own domain name and how it can make your business explode, you really should rethink your desire to have an online business. Your domain name will be the cornerstone and provides a base for building a solid online business.New domains will bring you benefits:1. Offer brief and simple mark of brand domain which is easy to memorize, protect and improve brand influence.2. Control domain resource,policy and reduce the cost of Anti-phishing and Anti-fraud.3. Seize the strategic commanding height and protect precious asset of internet.4. Develope market, operate in a new mode and enhance users' experience.Price:.club 20.53USD/yr.buzz 20.53USD/yr.ceo 176.61USD/yr.best 176.61USD/yr.xyz 19.11USD/yr.wiki 38.34USD/yr.ink 222.95USD/yr.rest 250.32USD/yr.bar 456.10USD/yrIf you would like to register new domain names, contact us as soon as possible please. We will make great effort to offer the best services for you.- See more at: http://www.eranet.com/news/MessView.net?IDMessage=94833#sthash.ObdfOzML.dpuf