Malaysian Airlines Crash Causes Reactions in Domain Name Industry
Release time:2014-07-21
Minutes after Malaysia Airline flight MH17 has crashed in Ukraine, on the border with Russia, domain names related to the crash started being registered.Here are some of the domain name that have been registered :MalaysiFlightMH17.comMH17Crash.comMH17Disaster.comPrayForMH17.comFlightMH17.comMalaysianFlightMH17.comMalaysianAirlinesFlightMH17.comMH17Movie.comMH17News.comMH17Planecrash.comAt the time of writing this article, there aren't any Malaysian Airlines related domain names up for sale.Even though profiting off of a tragedy is very sad, it's possible to see Malaysian Airlines related domain names up for sale soon.
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