Google Cloud previews Docker-based virtual machines
Release time:2014-05-27
On Thursday, Google previewed a virtual machine for its Google Cloud service based on a popular open-source container technology called Docer. Docker provides a container for an application and its supporting libraries and programs, so that the application can be moved easily from server to server.
Google also added a new Linux distribution, CoreOS, to its roster of Compute Engine VMs. CoreOS is a lightweight Linux distribution designed for running Docker containers in distributed settings.
While containers aren't new, their use as virtual machines (VMs) is. Google software engineer Joe Beda introduced the concept of container VMs at the GlueCon developer conference this week in Denver.
Like a virtual machine, a Docker container can hold an application,freeing the developer from worrying about writing to the underlying system software. Unlike full virtual machines, though, a Docker container does not include a full OS, but rather shares the OS of its host -- in Docker's case, Linux.
As a result, Docker containerscan be faster and less resource-heavy than virtual machines, as long as the user is willing to stick to Linux. A full virtual machine may take several minutes to create and launch, whereas a container can be initiated in seconds. Containers also offer superior performance for the applications they contain, compared to running the application within a virtual machine, which incurs the overhead of running through a hypervisor.
Google itself already runs more than 2 billion containers a week, according to a slide from Beda's presentation.
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