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What is a Reverse Zone?

  • Release time:2010-09-07

  • Browse:4836

  • A Reverse Zone is a zone file that contains only PTR records and a SOA record. This type of zone file allows the mapping of an IP Address to a hostname/domain name.

    Ninety-percent of DNS behavior concerns the translating or mapping of hostnames into numbered (IP) addresses, otherwise considered a Forward Zone. When this happens, a (human readable) hostname or domain name is translated to the (computer readable) IP Address.

    The remaining 10% are Reverse Zones, where the mapping is reversed and occurs from IP Address to the hostname. 

     Zone Type  Mapping Direction  Example
     Forward  Hostname > IP Address  www.todayisp.com >
     Reverse  IP Address > Hostname > www.todayisp.com

