
'Xbox One Is The Best Place For A Multiplayer Game To Be' - Microsoft

  • Release time:2014-03-07

  • Browse:6683

  • Microsoft explains why the combination of Titanfall's launch and console update makes Xbox One the best place for multiplayer.

    Published on Mar 6, 2014
    Xbox One is 'the best place for a multiplayer gamer to be' says one of the key men behind the console.

    Jeff Henshaw, Xbox One's engineering manager of incubation, was talking to XONE ahead of the Twitch update on March 11 that will allow live stream broadcasting.

    "The timing winds up being really good," Henshaw said.

    "We also wanted to do some Xbox One exclusives with Twitch because they are such a great partner. For example, on Xbox One you’re able to archive all of your broadcasted events. We wanted to go the extra mile and integrate [Twitch] into the Xbox One platform in a really brilliant way. We think that we’ve done that.

    "We have Titanfall coming up, March 11 is a big day, but we also have a system update going out right now which is bringing a lot of additional multiplayer and party benefits. They really all add up to a release and a content portfolio that makes the Xbox One the best place for a multiplayer gamer to be."

    There's a lot riding on Titanfall to be Microsoft's weapon in the ongoing Xbox One vs PS4 battle - keep an eye out for our review on NowGamer in the next few days.

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