
SEO strategy: the choice of what kind of domain name good website optimization

  • Release time:2014-01-27

  • Browse:6316


    According to China Internet Network Information Center released data show, as of 2013 December the scale of China's Internet users has reached 618000000, the number of Internet users has been an explosive growth, this is a huge potential market for the enterprise, but how to build a website can attract people, as well as the choice of what kind of domain name can help SEO the question for enterprise managers is widespread. When it comes to the choice of the domain name, the first is the domain name suffix,.Com/.net/.org/.cn/ all is a common suffix. From the practical point of view, the domain name suffix for the little effect on SEO, but different suffix in search engine weight is different,.Gov (National Organization),.Org (non profit organizations) and.Edu (educational institution), due to the more stringent conditions and site quality is generally high, easier access to the engine trust,.Com domain name is the general name format international the most widely popular, natural high weight,.CN domain is Chinese area top-level domain name, on the domestic SEO more popular, price and higher weight. Domain name registration time and long time of renewal, has certain influence on the SEO website weight. Generally speaking, CN domain name registration time more long, high credibility renewal time more long, the search engine will give the weight of the domain name is relatively high, is conducive to the site to be fast included, rankings are also more up front. While the SEO process on the website, search engine to a site theme analysis, we must first URL words to find, so contains keywords domain name very advantage. Domain name transactions, registration information also have some effects on the SEO, the purchase to ensure that the domain name is not cheating record, in the choice of domain to find the domain name transaction history, but the name whois information should be the correct registration information, to ensure that the recognized by search engines. In the choice of domain, the webmaster should pay attention to the domain of memory difficulty, concise, easy to remember and implication of the domain name is the first choice, a good domain name, user can remember website, which will visit the site. In contrast, the customer experience is poor, scattered the weight long domain names, the advantages of SEO far more disadvantages it brings. CNNIC open on the beach during the auction of nearly 40000 to keep the domain name, high quality, use value, high return on investment, will become an important breakthrough point of many companies to snatch market.
    "When choosing a CN domain name, can buy second-hand old domain name, for SEO optimization that is a good thing." Domain name domain name weight age is an important measure, use the old domain name to site or can play a multiplier effect. Disable the old domain name, if the re establishment of the original theme and identical or similar themes, the effect on SEO is great, on the old domain name, build another theme of the site, the effect is also good, but in the process of choosing a domain name, attention should be paid to query domain have been K, previously included in the Internet is what content, there is no associated with sensitive content and so on, and no site domain name for sale is not good, should be avoided. The domain name is the enterprise and individual stationmaster is one of the important intangible assets, the website content, flow and domain name are closely related, the positive effect of a good domain name are on SEO and website operation, correct domain name choice will help the website keywords ranking first. So in the choice of domain name, the webmaster to truly from the enterprise value and long-term development perspective, the use of the user experience is good, easy to rememberCN domainname more meaningful.

