
Three new applications for new gTLDs have been withdrawn

  • Release time:2012-09-07

  • Browse:3619

  • According to ICANN's website ,three new applications for new gTLDs have been withdrawn.If today we have learned that Google and KSB AG are the ones behind four of the applications withdrawn,no other information have been revealed about the identities of the other three ones.

    Three of the applications that have been withdrawn belong to Google and are :




    The fourth one belongs to KSB Akitengesellshcaft,who applied for .KSB.

    Nobody knows why Google applied for these three new gTLDs,as it was almost certainly that there will be rejected because they are on ICANN's list of banned geographic strings.

    According to the information posted on ICANN's website,over a quarter of the applications already had their String Similarity Review.Moreover,only 65 have had their Geographic Names Review and just 127 had their Technical and Operations Review .

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