
Microsoft wins and in arbitration

  • Release time:2012-09-03

  • Browse:3611

  • An arbitrator with the National Arbitration Forum has awarded Microsoft the domain names and company filed a complaint to the National Arbitration Forym on July 12,2012,asserting legal rights over thed disputed domain names.

    Microsoft owns many trademark registrations for the "Microsoft" mark all over the world.Moreover,the company owns trademarks for the "Microsoft Surface" trademark too.Therefore,it is more than obvious that the disputed domain names are confusingly similar to its trademark .

    The company contended and also managed to demonstrate that the respondent doesn't have rights or legitimate interests in the disputed domain names and that the respondent registered and used the domains in bad faith .

    The respondent was trying to attract Internet users " by misrepresenting Respondent’s ability to obtain pre-release access to Complainant’s products. Complainant argues Respondent’s assertions are false and give a misleading impression that Respondent is associated with Complainant, thereby disrupting business. Complainant contends that Respondent uses its false and fraudulent claims about access to Complainant’s products in order to attract Internet users and collect their e-mail addresses."

    The Panel ordered the domains to be transferred from the respondent to the complainant.

    You can read the decision here 

    About Eranet

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