
ICANN's Big Reveal Sees 1930 Applications For 1409 gTLDs

  • Release time:2012-06-14

  • Browse:3472

  •            ICANN's Big Reveal in London today saw the full list of 1930 applications for generic Top Level Domains, including 751 applications for 230 gTLDs (39% of the applications) meaning there will be contention for quite a few domains and a maximum of 1409 new gTLDs added to the root if all applications were successful.

              The most popular gTLD applied for was .APP with 13 applications, while there were 11 each for .HOME and .INC, another ten for .ART and nine applications for .SHOP, .LLC, .BLOG and .BOOK. There is also likely to contention among gTLDs with similar strings such as .GLOBAL/.GLOBALX and .SALE/.FORSALE.

             The applications will now be subject to a public comment and objection period, and a rigorous, objective and independent evaluation system.

              "We are standing at the cusp of a new era of online innovation," said Rod Beckstrom, President and Chief Executive Officer. "That means new businesses, new marketing tools, new jobs, and new ways to link communities and share information."

             "A 60-day comment period begins today, allowing anyone in the world to submit comments on any application, and the evaluation panels will consider them," said Senior Vice President Kurt Pritz. "If anyone objects to an application and believes they have the grounds to do so, they can file a formal objection to the application. And they will have seven months to do that."

            Of the 1,930 applications received:
            66 are geographic name applications.
            116 applications are for Internationalized Domain Names, or IDNs, for strings in scripts such as Arabic, Chinese, and Cyrillic.

           Applications were received from 60 countries and territories, broken down by ICANN's geographic regions:

    • 911 (47.2% of all applications) from North America.
    • 675 (35%) from Europe.
    • 303 (15.7%) are from Asia-Pacific.
    • 24 (1.2%) from Latin America and the Caribbean.
    • 17 (2.9%) from Africa.

           Beckstrom noted that the applications from Latin America/Caribbean and Africa would be the first gTLDs ever from those regions.

           He also pointed out that the new gTLD program is the result of seven years of international consultation and debate among a wide variety of Internet stakeholders.

           So while we now know the applications, we now await which applications are disputed as well. And we may see new gTLDs online in 2013. But how many will be successful, and what will decide success.

           This will vary widely and as Alexa Raad, CEO of Architelos noted, some new gTLDs will succeed; others will fail. Raad noted "the metric for success will be whether the TLD improves the relationship between the company or organisation and their customers or members."

           Raad went on to note that the name applied for is relatively unimportant. "What is valuable for a TLD is the control it gives brands and organisations to determine the rules of engagement with their customers and communities of interest."

           Of the brands that have applied, Google was responsible for 101 applications, by the far the most of any brand. This was followed by Amazon with 76 and Microsoft with 11. Brand owners have also applied for some of the same gTLDs. Both Google and Microsoft applied for the rights to .DOCS and .LIVE.

           In their analysis of the applications, ARI Registry Services noted some notable brands were absent from the list. For instance:

    • McDonalds applied and KFC did not
    • Bugatti and Ferrari applied, but Porsche did not
    • Nike applied and Adidas did not
    • Tech heavy-weights Facebook, Twitter and eBay did not apply
    • The highly anticipated new TLD cola wars did not eventuate with Coke and Pepsi both not applying.

    Source from


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