
CitizenHawk rolls out a sophisticated cloud-based online brand protection platform

  • Release time:2012-06-07

  • Browse:4661

  •            California based CitizenHawk, a global provider of online brand protection and enforcement services, has announced the launch of a powerful online brand protection tool called “HawkDiscovery” that enables users to search the entire web and detect use of trademarked terms and phrases, helping uncover instances of brand abuse ranging from counterfeiting to domain name abuse and cybersquatting.

              HawkDiscovery is a cloud-based technology platform that lets users monitor content on specific websites and produces alerts notifying them of new activity. HawkDiscovery features a fully integrated workflow and case management system that acts as a kind of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for brand protection. The system lets users analyze and assess particular instances of online infringement, determine appropriate responses, and manage remediation activities from initial detection through final resolution – with every action tracked, recorded and shared with appropriate personnel.

    CitizenHawk HawkDiscovery

    David Duckwitz, CitizenHawk’s president and chief executive said:

     ”Companies realize their brands are most precious corporate assets, and they invest considerable time and money promoting them to consumers, investors and others. Unfortunately, well known and popular brands are particularly attractive to typosquatters and others seeking to exploit them on the Internet. Marketing, legal, compliance and IT professionals can now fight back with cost effective tools that not only can uncover such abuse, but effectively respond to it.”

              CitizenHawk offers various brand protection, corporate domain management and global domain recovery services according to their website:

    HawkTypos — a service that can generate literally thousands of domain-name permutations, confirm whether such domains are registered, and identify common ownership, notwithstanding efforts to obfuscate such ownership via asset shielding or inexpensive privacy services.

              HawkUDRP — a powerful tool for pursuing – and winning – UDRPs (Uniform Domain-Name Dispute-Resolution Policy). CitizenHawk is the world leader in filing UDRPs, winning 99 percent of our cases and recovering more than 20,000 domains on behalf of our clients. We have taken advantage of our knowledge and experience to create an automated system that enables clients to effectively collect evidence, generate the necessary documentation and complete the entire domain recovery process quickly and cost effectively.

    About CitizenHawk

               CitizenHawk is a closely held, venture capital-backed company. Primary investors of the company include Maveron LLC, a prominent VC firm co-founded by Starbucks chief executive Howard Schultz. Other noteworthy investors include Gary Kremen, founder of, and Mark Vadon, founder and chairman of

               The company is a global provider of online brand protection and enforcement services. CitizenHawk helps clients address the challenges associated with protecting brand assets and other intellectual property in today’s digital economy. CitizenHawk’s robust technology, knowledgeable and experienced professional staff, incomparable case management tools and flexible approach to client relationships have attracted some of the world’s most prominent brands.

               According to the company, approximately 1 in 4 companies on Internet Retailer’s Top 500 list are CitizenHawk clients. Some of the clients they list on their website include Apple, Priceline, Finishline, Cricket Communications, Macy’s, Staples, Morningstar, Travelocity, The Gap, ProFlowers, Lands End, Omaha Steaks, Pacsun, Overstock and LegalZoom.

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