TAS closes today + ICANN announced new TLD Reveal
Release time:2012-05-30
The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced that the TAS will close today.Moreover,the company announced that the big reveal is scheduled for June 13th,2012 . You can read the announcement after the jump :
"The TLD Application System, or TAS, is scheduled to close tomorrow, 30 May 2012, at 23:59 GMT/UTC.
As of today, over 500 applications remain incomplete in TAS - either a complete application has not been submitted, and/or the full fee has not been paid. If you have not completed your application, we urge you to do so in TAS as quickly as possible.
If you are experiencing difficulties in submitting your application, please contact the Customer Service Center for assistance at https://crm-gtld.icann.org/portal-icann/.
ICANN has established the following target dates for the New Generic Top-level Domain program. More information on plans for the announcement of applied-for domain names will be provided soon.
We appreciate the patience and understanding applicants have shown throughout the application process.
TARGET DATE EVENT30 May 2012 Application window closes
8 June 2012 Batching process begins
13 June 2012 Announcement of applied-for domain names ("Reveal Day")
Application comment period begins
Formal objection period begins
24-29 June 2012 ICANN's 44th Public Meeting; Prague, Czech Republic
28 June 2012 Batching process ends
11 July 2012 Batching results announced
12 July 2012 Initial evaluations begin
12 August 2012 Application comment period ends
14-19 October 2012 ICANN's 45th Public Meeting; Toronto, Canada
Source from http://www.domainnews.comTo register your own domain name, check out :
http://partner.eranet.comAbout Eranet
Todaynic.com International Limited(Eranet.com) was incorporated in Hong Kong in 2005, directly under Todaynic.com, Inc. which was established in 2000. As one of the first ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), Verisign,HKDNR, and CNNIC (The China Internet Network Information Center) accredited registrars, Eranet is also a leading provider ofservices in domain name registration,web hosting and Email.