
DomainTools to releases new Marketplace Search

  • Release time:2012-05-28

  • Browse:5145

  • DomainTools Market Place Search

    DomainTools has always included affiliate links to domains listed in various marketplaces in their search results before, but has now enhanced the search functionality for domain markplace listings.

    As the company’s  Mark Kendrick writes:

    Of course, simply mashing together nearly 20 million domain sales listings in a table and sticking a search box on it doesn’t solve anyone’s problems, and it sure won’t be fast. Our back-end engineers used new technology they’d been researching to help structure and index the data while our front-end team applied several patterns and techniques that make parsing that much data usable and even fun.

    As he goes on, it appears our industry still has to go a long way then it comes to getting word about the aftermarket out there, so they aimed to build a tool that allows users to sift through large amounts of domain listings without a frustrating experience.

    Our user research (yes, we interviewed real people!) uncovered an interesting trend: plenty of people know you can register a domain name, but they are almost completely unaware of the secondary market. Surprisingly, it’s not the price that’s keeping them away. They usually have a few hundred dollars, or maybe a bit more, to spend on the right domain name, but they don’t know what to buy or where to find it. Even those who found their way to the popular domain sales platforms were confused or intimidated by what they saw. They abandoned the process and resigned themselves to a sub-par domain name.

    If you share your feedback with the DomainTools Team before Friday, April 13th you will be eligible for a $50 DomainTools add-on credit or some DomainTools swag. They ask for your to email your feedback to to qualify.

    Disclaimer: DomainTools is an advertiser on DNN.

    [via DomainTools Blog]

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