
Domainers Need to Bring Professionalism to ICANN San Francisco

  • Release time:2012-02-10

  • Browse:4187

  • San Francisco event could be good for domainers — if they bring their professionalism.


          Next up on the ICANN meeting schedule is meeting #40 in San Francisco.


          Being the first U.S. meeting in a while, and since there will be some sort of TRAFFIC event immediately proceeding the event, you’re going to see a lot more domainers there than usual. This is a good thing as domain investors are generally underrepresented in just about everything that deals with ICANN.


          But it could also backfire. A lot of people view domainers as unprofessional. This is deserved — I think it’s the single biggest threat to the industry.


          I worry that domain investors will make their presence known at the meeting in a way that hurts their cause. Yelling and cussing aren’t going to get you anywhere with ICANN. Not understanding how the organization works and what it does will also be detrimental.


          So here’s a call to domainers: go to San Francisco. But be professional. Learn about ICANN and what it does/doesn’t do. Understand its processes. Then bring a constructive and actionable agenda with you to the meeting.



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