
New Domain Name Points Toward Another Scribblenauts Game

  • Release time:2011-08-04

  • Browse:5318

  • Superannuation is continuing to do what they do best: uncover recently registered domain names.


    Their latest discovery pertains to Scribblenauts. The domain causing speculation among the gaming community is and it has been registered by Warner Bros.


    Already gamers have begun guessing at what the new title (if it truly exists) could be and the popular conclusion is that it will be the series debut on the 3DS. Who wouldn’t want to fire a missile launcher at a T-Rex while riding a Gorilla made of pure gold (and maybe fit some puzzle solving in there) and have the entire experience be portrayed in 3D?


    Check back regularly as we’ll be sure to let you know if Scribblenauts Remix’s status changes from rumor to confirmed in the near future.


    source from justpushstart

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