
Two upcoming TLD conferences

  • Release time:2011-07-25

  • Browse:5480

  • After the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) approved the new TLD program,two new TLD conferences are being held this year in order to halp applicants and service providers.


    1. .nxt Conference

    .nxt conference will be held in San Francisco,on 24-26 August .

    Application for the new Internet extensions will be open on 12 January 2012.However,the process is not cheap and simple as many of you would have thought .Therefore,this conference will help you learn from the industry experts about the new TLD program .

    Conference passes are $695


    2. - The Munich Conference on new TLDs

    The conference takes place September 26-27,2011 in Munich .

    Stephen Crocker,chairman of th ICANN Board will open the conference .

    Here are the conference pass otpions :


    1.Day conference  $499

    2.Full Conference  $699

    3. Premium conference  $899


    source from

    域名登記 域名 註冊中文域名 domain name 網頁寄存 網站寄存  虛擬主機  伺服器 web hosting 企業電郵 電郵服務 電郵寄存 付費電郵 公司電郵 企業郵箱 email hosting 伺服器IDC 租用託管伺服器

