Popcorn Time Back Online After EU Domain Seized: 5.0 Update Out Now!
Release time:2014-11-13
Controversial torrent based move app Popcorn Time is now back online after its European domain name was seized by the EURid registry, because of “suspected copyright infringement.”Time4Popcorn which is a clone of the original app (which was shut down earlier this year) has now released a new version of the software, and they say it will not be taken down in the future. The reason the service went down was not necessarily anything to do with the app itself, but because the domain was registered in a territory where EURid had jurisdiction to take it down. This is because it was a .EU domain (Time4popcorn.eu).However the developers still took the opportunity during the down time to improve the app, priming it to allow “seeding,” which means users can actively share the content they download, like a traditional BitTorrent client. Ultimately this will mean faster speeds, and a wider collection of movies, TV shows and other content, because it opens the app up to the whole torrent network, rather than just Popcorn Time’s pre-selected library of content.Popcorn Time is now using a .ES domain name, which means they are registered in Sweden, where the European Union laws can’t get them. For the foreseeable future, this should keep the app working without issues. In order to start watching films again, users are prompted to download the new 5.0 update with their popcorn-time.se website. Simply browse to the url on your device, and click the “Download Beta 5.0″ button. This will then download the app, which can easily be installed like any other app.A message left on the new site says that the “service will never be taken down.”While it looks like they are in a good position, lots of other apps that thought they were impervious to being taken down, still have been, such as Cartoon HD. One method at the copyright holders’ disposal is to get ISPs to ban the website. This is now a common practise in the UK when it comes to torrent sites.