.商店 Domain
The ".商店" TLD was created to provide a more specific and targeted way for websites related to stores to identify and connect with their audience. It allows website owners to communicate the theme, style, and content of their store-related websites, making it easier for users to find and engage with content that interests them.
$ 49 / yr
Example: todayisp.商店 | greencn.商店 |
Registration Rules: |
1. Only English letters (A-Z, not case sensitive), numbers (0-9), and "-" (English conjunctions, that is, the middle horizontal line) are provided, and spaces, that is, special characters (such as:!, $, &,?) cannot be used.
2. "-" cannot be used at the beginning and end.
3. Individual domain name minimum 1 character, generally minimum 2 characters, maximum 63 characters.
4. Note: Chinese domain name is actually registered after transcoding.
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