.at Domain
at is the country domain name of Austria (a landlocked country in south-central Europe). According to the relevant data of WebHosting.Info and nicat on the Austrian domain name market compiled by iResearch Consulting Group, as of January 2008, the number of Austrian domain name market was 903,000, of which at domain name accounted for 76.9% of the market share. This is followed by.com domain names with a 12% share of the Austrian domain name market, with every other domain name type having a market share of less than 3 percentage points.
$ 84.4 / yr
Example: todayisp.at | greencn.at |
Registration Rules: |
1. Only English letters (A-Z, not case sensitive), numbers (0-9), and "-" (English conjunctions, that is, the middle horizontal line) are provided, and spaces, that is, special characters (such as:!, $, &,?) cannot be used.
2. "-" cannot be used at the beginning and end.
3. Individual domain name minimum 1 character, generally minimum 2 characters, maximum 63 characters.
4. Note: Chinese domain name is actually registered after transcoding.
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