.ai Domain
The .ai domain name is the Anguilla Top-level Country Domain (ccTLD) suffix, which was assigned in 1995. Because of its counterpart Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is more and more widely used in the artificial intelligence industry, including Google and other high-tech enterprises have also used ai domain names. Artificial intelligence is the future trend, currently in the voice recognition, service robots, driverless, virtual reality and other frontier areas have emerged, 100 billion market feast is opening.
$ / yr
Example: todayisp.ai | greencn.ai |
Registration Rules: |
1. Only English letters (A-Z, not case sensitive), numbers (0-9), and "-" (English conjunctions, that is, the middle horizontal line) are provided, and spaces, that is, special characters (such as:!, $, &,?) cannot be used.
2. "-" cannot be used at the beginning and end.
3. Individual domain name minimum 1 character, generally minimum 2 characters, maximum 63 characters.
4. Note: Chinese domain name is actually registered after transcoding.
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