
Generating Income From Domain Names

  • Release time:2012-09-04

  • Browse:3659

  • Once you have carefully selected your domain names, there are three primary ways to make a profit from your portfolio.

     Earning income from your domain names by parking with a PPC service

    • PPC Parking - Park your names with a PPC (pay per click) service and collect revenue each time a visitor clicks on one of the ads the parking provider will place on your page.
    • Affiliate Advertising - Sign up with an affiliate program, select the ads you want to display on your page and collect a commission each time someone makes a purchase through your link.
    • Sell Domains - List your names for sale at aftermarket sites, in domain forums and through For Sale links on your parked pages and cash in on those that attract suitable offers.

    In this section we will concentrate on generating income from your domain names without giving up ownership. If you are still interested in selling, you can then move on to our separate section on Selling Domains.

    Some of the most successful people in the domain business concentrate on building a portfolio of domains that generate a steady stream of income for them. They rarely sell their names unless someone comes up with an offer they can't refuse. The domains they go after are called "traffic" domains, which simply means they attract a steady flow of visitors and that "traffic" can be converted to cash.

    Most domains do not have a built-in flow of traffic. Most that do are generic words or terms (describing a product or service) in the .com extension. Those are called "type-in" domains. If someone is interested in shoes for example, they might type into the address bar rather than use a search engine to find information on shoes. This is known as "direct navigation".

    High traffic type-in domains are worth their weight in gold, so unless you are entering the business with a big bank account already in place, you have little hope of obtaining these kinds of domains. They are in very high demand and the competition for them is fierce.

    However, there are other kinds of traffic domains you may be able to afford. "Typos" are one example. A certain percentage of people planning to visit will accidentally type for example. If you owned the misspelling,, and your landing page offers shoe links a lot of your accidental visitors will click those links and make money for you because they still found what they were looking for.

     typo domain names

    There is also a lot of competition for good typo domains but you still might be able to find some of those that haven't been registered yet. If you go that route, it is best to avoid typos of trademarked names as that can quickly land you in hot water for infringement.

    You may also find traffic domains that get visitors from incoming links (this is called "link popularity" traffic). These will generally be expiring domains that were once live websites. This traffic is not as good as type-in traffic because it will decay over time as the sites linking to the domain eventually realize the original site is gone and remove their links.

    Another point to consider is that low traffic names can still be profitable. You only have to earn 2 cents a day from a domain to cover your annual renewal fee. So, if you are just starting out with limited funds you might want to concentrate on more affordable low traffic domains.

    Many domain owners have started doing at least minimal development on their domain names (putting an actual website up with content related to the domain name) in an effort to get more revenue from them. By developing the domain and using Search Engine Optimization techniques they can generate new traffic to their names. In those cases money usually comes from ads served by publishing networks like Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher that you place on your developed pages.

    Development is a completely different subject than simple domain monetization however, so that is not a topic we will go into depth on here. Many domainers have thousands of names and do not have the time or skill set required for developing their properties.

    Once you have started acquiring domains, you will want to sign up with a parking service.  Some of the big names in the parking provider field are, and There are also lots of promising newcomers like that have great looking landing pages and highly relevant advertising links. There are obviously many options out there and it is a good idea to test your domains at more than one because some names will perform better at one service than they will at another.

    If your domains already receive traffic, another approach you can take is to put a simple page online with ads that link to affiliates that will pay you for each sale that comes from your referral. This is called "PPA" (pay per action). You can find affiliates to link to at clearing houses and many other companies let you sign up directly with them. They will provide you with the affiliate banners to place on your site. You can find companies that will match just about any field your domain name might refer to.

    commissions from domain names 

    If you do the kind of development we referred to above you can also put these affiliate links on your developed pages and even mix them with Google Adsense or Yahoo! Publisher ads to multiply your chances of generating revenue. When you can demonstrate that your domain regularly earns a certain amount of money, whether it be from type-ins, PPC or development, you will be able to command a higher price and have an easier time selling it should you ever decide to let it go.

    About Eranet

         Eranet International Limited( was incorporated in Hong Kong in 2005, directly under, Inc. which was established in 2000. As one of the first ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), Verisign,HKDNR, and CNNIC (The China Internet Network Information Center) accredited registrars, Eranet is also a leading provider ofservices in domain name registration,web hosting and Email.


    Now in Eranet
    four domain have lowest price:
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    .net    only USD 11.99/year
    .hk     only USD 22.63/year
    choose any one of listed domain, Hosting will be 15% off.

    To register your own domain name, check out :

